Timeline and procedure of Panama Reforestation residency
Procedure and Timeline for Obtaining a Reforestation Residency Visa in Panama
There are 3 segments to the process of obtaining Panama's permanent residency through the reforestation residency visa program in Panama.
Step 1: Acquire the fully qualified reforestation project
Step 2: Gather and have all the documents ready to present.
Step 3: Go through the application process below are the details and timeline for this process.
Panama Forestry has developed innovative turnkey residency program that will streamline your permanent residency visa process in Panama while maximizing the yield and certainty that you will archive your goal.
The complete packages include all legal costs and are designed for the immigration successes for citizens of China. We know that many nationalities have had limited access to attractive second residencies in the past. Panama is currently one of the best residency options available for many reasons and this program is a particularly good choice for Chineses nationals.
Over time, you can also become eligible for Panamanian citizenship under this program.
The general overall timeline to obtain Panama permanent residency: There is a minimum of 5 trips to Panama to go through all the steps to obtain a permanent residency. Each trip will take 5 to 7 business days.

Below is the break down what will be done in each of the 5 trips to Panama.
First Visit to Panama the goal is to submit the full application that was put together in steps 1 and 2 above and submit the application for the 2-year Panama provisional residency and to get the Process card.

After the 1st trip you will have the 6 months process card and can stay full time in Panama if you wish, while you do each of the following steps, but you are not required to stay in Panama.
Second Visit to Panama will be within 6 months of the first trip. This time between the first trip and second trip can vary from 3 to 6 months or more. We have to wait until the application from your first trip is processed and you have been accepted for the 2-year Panama provisional residence card. This trip will take 3 to 5 days depending if everything goes perfect and the application was accepted without any further changes or information needed. Plan on 5 days.

Third Visit will be to apply for permanent residency in Panama. This trip will be 1 year and 11 months after the second trip and you will have to spend a full 7 days in Panama processing the application for permanent residency. You will again obtain another 6 month process card durning this trip.

Forth Visit is when you get to pick up the permanent Panamanian residency card. This visit is within 6 months of the third visit. This is a 3 to 5 day visit similar to the second visit, again it is best to plan on a minimum of 5 days in Panama.

Fifth Visit is required to pick up your Panamanian ID card (Cedula)

At this time you are a permanent resident of Panama. To maintain the residency status you must come to Panama at least once in less than every 2 years. You should plan to visit Panama about once every 18 months or so. This is one of the great advantages of Panama permanent residency in most countries you have to stay in the country at least 182 days per year while going through the process and to maintain permanent residency once you have it. In Panama the requirement is only that you must not be out of the country for more than 2 YEARS. So you have to visit once every 18 months and you can maintain your permanent residency status for ever. You also qualify to apply for citizenship after just 5 years as a permanent resident of Panama.
Time line to apply for Panamanian citizenship
This is an independent processes from obtaining the Panama permanent residency. A person can live in Panama indefinitely with just the permanent residency. But if you prefer to get citizenship in Panama you can apply for the citizenship after being a permanent resident of Panama for 5 years. Often this is part of legacy planning where you would do this with your children so that they have a very good plan B that includes a 2nd citizenship.
Panama is one of the best citizenships in the world to have on many levels it is far better than places like the USA at this time in history. Panama also is very open to Chinese and has a thriving Chinese population.
This is the timeline for attaining Panamanian citizenship after you have the permanent residency of Panama.

The Panama Forestry reforestation residency packages offer a turn key solution to achieve the Permanent residency and ultimately be eligible for Panamanian citizenship. You may want to continue to work directly with the same legal team to get Panamanian citizenship. This is the complete overview and time line for the whole process from when you first decide to invest in the residency package until the full citizenship if you decide to go to the point.

Feel free to contact us to get started with a 2nd residency and citizenship in Panama. The country which is overall the best option for most people for significantly less than the cost of a USA residency and (maybe) citizenship.
Our teams contact information: Jeff@Panamaforestry.com.
Representative for China Zoe Zhu Email: ZoeZhu@PanamaForestry.comWeChat/WhatsApp: 008613503002464.